Indie Campers Critiques dans Hambourg

Lis les commentaires honnêtes des voyageurs qui ont exploré Hambourg avec Indie Campers. Qu'il s'agisse de ton premier road trip ou que tu cherches l'inspiration auprès des meilleurs blogueurs de voyage, tous les points de vue et les commentaires dont tu as besoin se trouvent ici.

Excellent 4.7 sur 5 De 37 000+ voyageurs

Commentaires des clients

Andreas F.


Il y a un an

2 personnes
11 jours
Hambourg → Hambourg
VW California Premium
A special handbook for pecularities occuring in the winter while driving, sleeping and not freezing in a Diesel-powered van should be crafted. (s. other side) The two winter nights we slept outside were harsh and without running the engine idly, we would have not made it until the morning in a warm car. A 'particle filter' appeared shortly. Next day, the 4th of January we drove for over 200km, which should have, the mecanic said later, driven the particle overload out of the motor. But the second night was even colder, because of heavy wind thrusts and the snow they carried. In the morning, the alert sign started blinking permanently. Thus, we went to Nykoping VW Partner on Saturday afternoon and made a date with a mecanic on Monday morning. Then, the engine was computer-diagnosed and cleared out for about 2 hours, to work like a new again after the procedure. This szenario could have been evaded would we have had more information about max. idle time for loading the battery, a/o directing drivers to research for poss. open camping sides with active cables that one may pay next day. We could not realize our three-day-trip to Roskilde in the north of Sjaeland, but were lucky with the b&b our Support over whatsapp booked immediately and to our relief. The overall experience was therefor good or even comfortable, with two days of exception.
Ali K.


Il y a un an

4 personnes
4 jours
Hambourg → Hambourg
VW California Premium
Die Buchung des Campers wurde von eurem Team mit Professionalität und Freundlichkeit betreut, vor allem David und Sarah haben mit ihrer umfassenden Fachkompetenz überzeugt. Die Qualität des Campers und die reibungslose Abwicklung haben meinen Urlaub zu etwas Besonderem gemacht. Nicht nur die Buchung, sondern auch der Check out verlief reibungslos. Wir sind von unserm Wander Ausflug ohne sorgen zurück gekehrt und wurden ganz herzlich von Sarah und David begrüßt, die den Check out dann perfekt arrangiert haben und uns mit einem Lächeln verabschiedet haben. Danke für diesen Trip !
Philipp W.


Il y a un an

2 personnes
3 jours
Hambourg → Hambourg
Friendly staff in Hamburg, nothing to complain about. But the gas bottle was almost empty, the second bed was not removed, although i asked for it, I was told, they are not allowed to remove it. This made for a very cramped space. The battery indicator of the main battery stated that the battery was almost empty. The car started without a problem, but a car should not be rented out with the main battery showing a red error indicator. Please remove the upper bed, if the customer asks for it.

A la une

"Synonyme de liberté, le van est le mode de transport tendance chez les voyageurs européens. Pour une flexibilité maximale, l’entreprise de location Indie Campers permet aux aventuriers nomades de débuter et terminer leur road trip dans 50 villes."

"C'est peut-être l'aspect romantique de délaisser l'inutile et de se livrer à la route, mais qui aurait pensé que renoncer au confort pourrait avoir autant de charme."

"À la faveur de la crise sanitaire, ce bon vieux fourgon redevient plus que jamais le compagnon idéal pour les petites (et grandes) balades."

"Les road-trips en vans et fourgons aménagés permettent un contact avec la nature, une vie au jour le jour, un retour à l’essentiel… Et, surtout, de pouvoir voyager malgré les restrictions."